Sunday, December 1, 2013

Websites For Students To Create Artwork

There are so many great, free websites that students can use to create artwork. Some are probably more known than others.  Many are limited in options, but are still fun to explore and play around with. I thought I would share some of the ones that I have stumbled across over the years.  
I’m sure many have heard of Kerpoof.. This website offers a variety of selections for kids, such as creating movies, cards and stories. It also provides lesson plans for teachers that coincide with using their website.
Bomomo Interactive Art Creator is a fun site to create abstract digital art. When I was experimenting and creating my artwork, it reminded me of a Kandinsky painting. The art creator has really unique tools that produce several cool effects.  
Build Your Wild Self is a website where you can make a part human- part animal creation. Some of the choices are limited, but I think students can have fun mixing the different animal features they offer together. It could be used to introduce students to some of the possibilities and give them ideas for a lesson plan where they will have to create a “mixed creature.”
A website that might inspire future architects is, Architect Studio 3D:Design Studio. On this site you can choose from various floor plans and add interior, exterior, and landscape designs. You can then take a virtual tour of the home you created. I think this site might help give students a taste of what architects, interior designers, builders and landscapers’ jobs entail.
I just recently came across Make Beliefs Comix. Many students love to read comics, so I think they would enjoy this website. They also include lesson plans for teachers, many concentrating on ELL students.

Like I stated before, many of the options that these websites offer are limited, but I still think they are worth checking out, especially because they are free. 


  1. This is very fascinating! I did not know any of these websites before reading your blog. I especially appreciate them more because they are free to use. Many websites I find relating to mathematics and activities to perform in the classroom require a paid membership. More websites should be easily accessible like these. 
The Internet is a great tool to find interactive math activities. One is no longer limited to their imagination or that of fellow coworkers.
    I like how each website you have listened brings a large variety of fun activities. I agree with you on the 3D models. This could open a new interest in students to become architects.

  2. This is a creative way to get students involved with learning. I love the website that you can fuse a human and animal together. It even tells you some interesting facts on the animals you used.

  3. I think these websites are absolutely wonderful for students. I especially like the Architect website. This can help students navigate and become familiar with how architecture works. This way if they have any interest in Architecture they can test it out on this website. I work for Architect's now and the website looks like it touches most of the similarities that the Architectural world actually looks like.

  4. These are really cool sites I have not heard of and wish I did. I would have loved to know there are so many free options for making art online. I used to enjoy graphic design before choosing to study music and seeing pages like this reminds me of how much fun it used to be. Thanks for sharing.

  5. Thanks for posting these sites. As a fellow art educator I can see how these programs would help to engage students in the classroom. I was not aware of these specific sites and will gladly add these to my arsenal of tools for integrating technology into the classroom. Other great sites are Weebly and Wix where students scan create websites. This not only would aid students in creating an artist website, if they choose that path, but also to spark the interest of student who may be drawn to web design. There are so many tools at our disposal if we choose to look!

  6. Thank you for sharing these free resources for art class. It’s always great to hear of free resources! Even though they are limited, they provide activities for students. Once in a while, it is good to take a break from the fine art tools. Just take them to a computer lab, and have them work. They are still engaging in art related activities.
